Tuesday, March 5, 2013

me me me

I am in a blah mood today. I want to BUY BUY BUY and GO GO GO. I always want to become a vegetarian ... I KNOW THIS ISN'T POSSIBLE! I also want to die my hair and chop it off.... I WILL DO NONE OF THESE THINGS! ha but it is what I want right now. ALSO TO MOVE!!!!\

Braies Lake, Italy

Give me this body and outfit. thanks.

Give me this and SUMMER
bandeau tops and high waisted bottoms.

And make me this for dinner.
Parmesan Vegetable Spiral: a bed of onions is topped by a medley of veggies (tomatoes, potatoes, squash & zucchini) then drizzled with oil, sprinkled with Parmesan cheese, & roasted.

and lastly.....
Because We Can

Thank goodness this comes on tonight!!
Pretty Little Liars' Most Shocking Deaths Ever: Toby, Maya and More!

Happy Tuesday! I will blog later on this week about my trip!!

1 comment:

  1. Ahh! I love this post! I'm with you on all of this. Go, Go, Go and Buy, Buy, Buy is all I dream about these days...but don't have the funds to finance. boo. ONE DAY we will adventure far and wide!
